Vaporizers are growing in popularity across the UK as people become more careful of their health and aware of the risks associated with smoking.

You actually set your herbs on fire when you smoke, and 10% of the smoke that is created contains cannabinoids. The bulk of the smoke you breathe in actuality includes harmful byproducts including tar, benzene, carbon monoxide, and other carcinogens. All of these substances should be avoided, especially if we want to use cannabis for its therapeutic benefits.

Vaporizers, on the other hand, merely heat your dry herbs to the point where the boiling points of the cannabinoids and terpenes are reached. The dangerous and cancer-causing plant debris is still there, unvaporized in the oven.

The amount of cannabinoids and terpenes in the vapor produced by a dry herb vaporizer can reach up to 95%. Vaping can therefore not only be more cost- and time-effective but also healthier.

What is the ideal temperature for vaping herbs?

The ideal vaping temperatures for dried herbs are typically between 160° and 220°C. If you vape at temperatures greater than 220°C, you run the danger of combusting. Any lower and nothing will evaporate.

The title is a little deceptive because there isn't an ideal temperature for vaping herbs. Nevertheless, based on the specific vaping experience you seek, there can be a suitable temperature for you.

Unfortunately, too many of us just have a basic understanding of THC, the active ingredient in cannabis. In reality, cannabis is a clever and complex plant with thousands of unique components. Each substance affects the body differently and evaporates at varying speeds.

We may choose which cannabinoids, terpenes, or flavonoids evaporate by utilizing a vaporizer with temperature controls. As a result, we can control how our vaping experience turns out.

There is no ideal temperature for vaping cannabis as a result. The ideal temperature, though, can exist for the specific experience you're looking for. Different cannabinoids and terpenes are released when cannabis is vaped at various temperatures.

In general, temperatures below 190°C cause a head high, while those over that might cause a more powerful body high. Plant matter starts to burn after 210°C, which is obviously what we want to avoid!

How do cannabinoids impact the way I vape?

The Cannabis sativa plant contains naturally occurring substances called cannabinoids that interact with certain cannabinoid receptors in the brain and central nervous system

THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD are the two most well-known cannabinoids (CBD). However, there are 113 distinct varieties of cannabinoids, each of which has its own effects and evaporates at a different temperature. Some of them consist of:

  • THC-A - 105°C: Supposedly useful against muscular spasms and epilepsy. The most popular and sought-after cannabinoids include THC, which melts at 157°C. It contains psychotropic qualities that make people feel euphoric and can relax their muscles and minds.

Medicinal users frequently utilize CBD between 160°C and 180°C. Additionally, it mitigates the adverse effects of THC by reducing feelings of anxiety and paranoia.

  • CBN - 185° C: THC is broken down by CBN at 185° C, and it also has sedative properties.
  • CBC - 220 °C: Anti-inflammatory and stress-reducing effects.

What effects do flavonoids and terpenes have on my vaping experience?

Terpenes are organic substances that are naturally present in plants, fruits, and essential oils. Flavonoids, on the other hand, are plant pigments that are also known as vitamin P.

They work together to provide the distinct flavor and scent of a particular plant. For instance, the terpene Limonene is responsible for the lemon's citrus flavor and Mentha arvensis for the mint plant's strong menthol scent.

In essence, terpenes and flavonoids are the cause of each strain's unique taste and odor characteristics. Terpenes can significantly improve the therapeutic benefits of cannabis, according to current studies.

Once more, various terpenes evaporate at various temperatures. Here are just a handful of them:

  • Myrcene (166°C): This terpene makes it easier for your body to absorb THC. Analgesic, an antibiotic with anti-inflammatory effects, is also present.
  • Beta-caryophyllene (199 °C): THC's effects on anxiety are lessened. is all anti-inflammatory and antifungal. At 199 degrees Celsius, linalool promotes sleep while easing anxiety and psychosis.

Adjusting the temperature to achieve the desired result

Stimulating and Uplifting? 160°C to 170°C for vaping

This temperature range is ideal for days when you need to get work done. You should be able to experience THC's uplifted and energizing high without any of the sedative substances taking effect. If you want to vape and get things done, or if you want to try a new strain for the first time, I'd recommend using this temperature!

High energy? 170° to 185°C for vaping

The Myrcene will speed up the pace at which your body absorbs THC after you reach 180°C. The CBN will help the cerebral consequences by subsequently balancing this intensity. Due to the fact that CBD evaporates in the greatest proportions at this range of temperatures, it is also well-liked by those who take it for therapeutic purposes.

Due to the fits of laughter, cravings, and epiphanies, you'll undoubtedly feel, it's also a fantastic temperature for casual smoking with friends.