Research conducted by the University of London concluded that cannabinoids keep up with their efficacy for more than two years when stored under the right conditions. Besides, dry herbs can be safe to consume for a long time - they will gradually lose their efficacy and flavor as the cannabinoids and terpenes deteriorate gradually over the long run.

The four greatest factors while storing cannabis are humidity, light, temperature, and oxygen. Like wine, dry herbs age best when left in a cool, dark place where there are limited levels of moistness.

The uplifting news is you needn't bother with a wine basement to guarantee to prolong the life of your bud, you can keep them crisp utilizing basic things in your kitchen!

Below we list four components that harm the life of your dry spices and offer some valuable approaches to store them!

Humidity and Dampness

Keeping up with the right dampness levels for your herbs is a genuinely difficult exercise. Excessively dry and you risk lessening the quality; excessively soggy and you run the risk of mold.

Mould contamination can produce awful smells and flavors for recreational users and is particularly important for medical users to stay away from.


Direct sunlight is potentially the most dangerous component; research during the 1970s tracked down that light can render your dry herbs weak in an extremely short amount of time. Likewise, light makes THC molecules break down into CBN. Unlike THC, CBN has no psychoactive properties.


Mildew and mold can be an outright pain since they are excellent at two things:

  1. Rendering your herbs unusable
  1. Making more mildew

Temperatures between 25c - 30c are ideal conditions for Mildew to flourish and reproduce. At last, a climate above 30 c will make your herbs gradually decarboxylate.

Decarboxylation is the way toward applying heat to cannabinoids so they affect the human body. At the point when decarboxylation happens inside your dry herb vaporizer, it is a good thing yet we don't need that happening in storage!


Storing your cannabis in a holder with the perfect measure of air is significant to keep it fresh and potent. Too little air, and you'll have excess stickiness and a lot of air can make your plant lose its potency quicker.

The best (and worst!) approaches to store cannabis at home.

Did you realize that the ever-popular plastic baggies are one of the worst approaches to store your spices? This is because they are transparent and porous so they don't do anything to forestall light, air, heat, and moisture from harming your herbs?

Likewise, you would want to keep away from any plastic storage of herbs. This is because plastic has a static charge which can draw in the yummy trichomes off your bud.

Glass containers to store cannabis

Fortunately, you can effectively store your herbs using ordinary things. You can keep yours in a glass container with a seal. The seal is significant because it keeps the smell in and the oxygen out. If you don't have a container with a seal, a mason or jam container will care for your herbs for a long time with no recognizable drop in quality.

Whenever you've sealed your glass container simply pop it into a cupboard where it'll have no exposure to sunlight - simple but successful!